With(in)" is a research book on rapid urbanization, developed as my Master's thesis at the MIT Media Lab. It consists of two parts: (1) A comparative study conducted through field research in rapidly urbanizing areas of Port Harcourt, Cairo, and Guadalajara, and (2) an immersive video installation and multimedia book to communicate this content.

Global challenges are increasingly connecting people across borders. Events like the 2020 pandemic highlighted that the world functions as a single organism, with no issues confined to localities. As social and technological trends drive globalization, understanding the needs and values of diverse communities becomes crucial.

To foster this understanding, the research explores cross-cultural awareness through a universally relatable medium: food and its social rituals. The aim is to use dining customs as a microcosm of community, revealing urban specificities. The study investigates the links between acquiring, preparing, and sharing food and the structures of urban communities.

See also

Author: Gabriela Bìlá

Academic advisor: Kent Larson

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