City Sci-fi: Speculative Movie Making Towards the Design of Ecology Futures

MIT Media Lab - Fall term

gallery team

This class is a hands-on workshop on urban narrative and movie making. Students imagined how new and ancestral technologies may assist designing ecological urban ecosystems in 50 years, and produced a 2-5 minute movie to immerse larger audiences in their world concept. 

To create the future we want, we have to be able to design and visualize it. The 21st century is a critical moment for humanity: the unfolding climate crisis signals a turning point to reinvent our presence in the biosphere. The established systems of power, accumulation, consumption and domination have failed. In this context, how can we create new modes to inhabit the Earth that foster justice and fairness to all forms of life? What do the original people of the Amazon forest have to teach us about organizing human life within broader natural ecosystems?

Instructors: Gabriela Bìlá, Kent Larson, Luis Alonso

TAs: Candice Wu, Maitane Iruretagoyena

Guests: Christian Frederickson, Diosmar Filho (Amazonia Legal Urbana), Eduardo Góes Neves, Grace Dillon, Simon de Diesbach, Vanda Witoto

City Sci-fi overview @MIT Media Lab


Atlas of the Unseen 未见之图


City Sci-fi Spring'23 @MIT Media Lab