Spatial Narratives
Shanghai, China / Online
An intensive two-week online workshop with students from Shanghai, exploring future environments shaped by radical technological innovations, and crafting character-driven narratives within them. Due to Shanghai's late COVID lockdown, students used a VR platform to prototype their scenes for broader audience experience.
Narratives can be experienced through various mediums like cinematography, model building, and sound design. In this workshop, we focus on virtual 3D model building and spatial cinematic storyboarding to visualize stories. The creation of the narrative is crucial for experiencing the environment. The three-dimensional storyboard serves as a tool to enhance physical spaces with dynamic digital layers. Through experimentation with this tool, students explore new possibilities in design practice, one image at a time.
Workshop part of the series Media Genealogy, by Direct Tomorrow Lab - DTL
Instructor: Gabriela Bìlá
DTL directors: Gaowei Zhou, Kaiho Yu, Zhiyi Zhang