Sustainability Lab
Annual summit of the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science
Porto Seguro, Brazil
The SBPC annual summit is a significant forum for disseminating advances in science and providing a platform for debates on public policies for science and technology. At the 68th edition, we were comissioned to create a space to engage children and teenagers in learning about the primary projects in the field of sustainability being developed by Brazil's Ministry of Science and Technology.
From Synchrotron light emitters to sustainable fishing policies in the rainforest, the young audience was introduced to complex concepts through playful installations that combined various media such as video mapping, games, quizzes, among others.
Commissioned by SBPC (Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science)
Exhibited at: Porto Seguro - Brazil
Director: Felipe Brito
Content research and art director: Gabriela Bìlá
Motion design: Lucas Seixas
Electronics: Itamar Pontes
Programming: Luiz Moraes Neto
Fabrication and AV: Leonardo Moura
Architecture: Estojo Arquitetura